Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Whoops, I've done it again!

OK--had a few minutes at the end of the day, so I thought I'd try to "play" a bit.

I went into the Bloglines account I had set up & edited the feeds I had subscribed to in bulk when I set this up. (Honestly, I set this up INITIALLY thinking I was setting up a blog. It's the first thing I did. Who knew I'd be back?)

Then I thought I would add a few blogs to follow. I asked 2 co-workers--no,3--& finally tried something on my own. My ASSUMPTION was that I would see feeds on my FEEDS tab, & blogs on my BLOGS tab. Only there are a few problems...

First, I noticed that my blog is there under the blog tab. Except--only the first post. Why hasn't anything else showed up?

I have no idea.

So, being unable to explain that, I thought I'd try to subscribe to a couple co-workers blogs. I hit "ADD", & copied in the url of the blogs I found. It seemed to go well, but then--nothing showed up. ?

They're not on my Feeds tab, they're not on my Blogs tab.... Where did they go?

I have no idea. But I think it's time to go home to my cat & my dark house, & see what mischief I can get into there. (the cat is usually good inspiration for that). Wish me luck. Terry

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