Thursday, September 18, 2008

Library 2.0, 3.0, 4.0? Uh oh...

So, I spent a while reading 5 OCLC articles about Library 2.0, which was interesting, but in the end I read one on the FUTURE of libraries, & began to wonder... "What Have I gotten myself into?" They did help me to understand some concepts a little better, (though I cannot pretend to grasp them thoroughly or in all their many implications--perhaps no one does?) but that last article just made my head spin. There are just too many ideas in that 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 concept.
Some of it really made me laugh. "Superstar Librarians" (not that some of you aren't, but really...)--or--my personal favorite--people collecting Librarians instead of books. !
I actually do understand that one, but I must say, my first image was of a slave market & rather laughable.
I actually doubt I will survive into the Library 4.0 era--I'm no spring chicken--& I must say I think I hope not to survive into the 3.0 era, if it means libraries as ONLY virtual entities. I'm afraid I like person to person contact & am rather inclined to think that a "retreat" into a Virtual world is NOT a good thing for living, breathing people. Oh, I understand the impulse--believe me. I was an "out of it" teenager, as disaffected as today's youth, but I'm afraid it was neither a headset nor a "virtual" reality that "cured" me, but rather, being forced to deal with the messy reality of human beings, & LEARNING to get along. From the little I've read, I think Virtual reality is unlikely to "fix" the personality flaws which I suspect encourage people to retreat to a world they think they can control...
I'm afraid I've wandered from the subject, dealing with human interactive problems, & not just the applications to libraries, some of which seem a good thing indeed. The idea of meeting users on "their" ground, helping to make people's searches easier, & providing a good experience (the latter 2 I believe we're already doing--no--all 3, for "E-mail a Librarian" & "Know It Now" both provide an arena which is closer to the customer--esp. at 3 a.m.) all seem like good customer service, & that seems to be part of what we are after. I'm not sure we can ever do that really well, but that may well just be my age talking, & the limitations of my perceptions, formed by a particular time & place, "in a galaxy long long ago, & far away"....
To those of you who will carry this further into the future, I wish you luck. I'm sure you will manage to astonish some of us, as you go farther than we ever imagined possible.

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